I've picked up packages addressed to me at the wrong address more than once.
Once, my dad sent a package to my neighbors; same house number, wrong street. Funny how we figured that out. The contents of the package were gifts from his international travels. It was also a gift to meet new neighbors when I recovered the goods.
Tonight's journey is from a smaller world. I creaked open my red metal mail box today wondering when I'd get that package from Switzerland. It had been almost a month since Corrine had emailed letting me know she was sending photos from our time together in the Galapagos. Still, it wasn't there.
Instead, a curious email came just an hour later to my work email with the subject: Package from Switzerland. I recognized Dan's name, but couldn't place his face. Small world that he works for the same school district I do. We exchanged a few emails, mainly him directing me down the street a few blocks to connect tonight.
I arrived at an unmarked door and knocked. When the gentleman came to the door I asked for Dan. Sure enough, this was Dan, but despite his warm smile, hand shake and familiarity, I immediately felt that I had something wrong. "I'm the lawyer Dan; the teacher Dan is next door. But yes, we've skiied together on the street during those snow days," lawyer Dan reminded me and as his young daughter came running to the door I totally remembered! I briefly explained my mission, bid him good night, and went next door.
I knocked. Dan opened the door and handed me my package, saying, "It does look like it is addressed to me." "Perhaps, but if you were in Switzerland, that sure looks like a 9," I replied noting the 9 that started our zip code. "How did you find me?"
Dan told me he immediately recognized my name from the Green Team list serve in the district. Then he asked if I had taken kids to Japan a few years ago. I nodded. "We met in the back of the plane when I was coming home from Tibet."
I run by his house regularly. Once, when walking over a year ago with Jenn, we talked with him and picked up a set of rugs he was giving away.
It's a small small world.