Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Summer in May

It's another day over 70 degrees. It was nearly 100 F on my porch yesterday afternoon, and this morning I biked to work in a t-shirt, sunglasses, and no jacket! The best joys of May are the increasingly longer light, the magic of many blooms (azaleas, rhododendrons, lilacs, and dogwoods), and bike to work month. Oh, and the snowflake like drifts and flurries of the cottonwood dander. ah chooo!

The light rail construction around UW has detoured me most mornings down a gravel path, and around the boat yard, where I sailed as a UW student. Up past the stadium, the baseball park and the purple track, out to the metal sculpture studios. I've enjoyed the new mix of athletics and arts and a relatively empty road of solitude. I enjoy the ride.

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